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The ‘MSDS’ (Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets) module…

Record MSDS data in an easy to use database, then see the benefits from Integrator...

  • The Detail Screens capture data in a clear and concise manner, for example.
    • General Details. (Commercial Name, Supplier Details, etc.) 
    • Hazard Classification.
    • Links to Manufacturer's website.
    • Associated Training Modules/Courses
  • The Browser facilities offer clarity of data for management purposes, for example...
    • Clear identification of Hazardous Chemicals through conditional formatting.
    • Filter facilities enable summary of Chemicals that require focused attention.
  • Associate additional data, such as Notes, Photo's, Reminders, Documents, etc.
  • Export, Mail Merge & Print facilities allow the creation of all manner of Reports.
  • Shared access for authorised staff to view and update MSDS details.
  • Integration with other Modules gives better co-ordination between Departments.
For a 2 minute overview of the 'MSDS' module, click here...  Animated Overview